Find Your Passion

"Die with Memories, not with Dreams"

Sketch By - Divya

When asked what surprised him most about humanity the Dalai Lama answered, "We sacrifice our health in order to make wealth, then we sacrifice our wealth in order to get back our health." We're so anxious about what will happen in future, that we don't enjoy the present, the result being, we don't live in the present or the future. We end up living feeling like we're never going to die and then die never having truly lived.

Ellen Goodman said, "normal is getting dressed in clothes that you by for work and driving through traffic in a car that you're still paying for, in order to get that job that you need to pay for the clothes and for the home, that's empty all day just so you can afford to live in it. We live in a world where day dreams are more common than dream jobs, where money clouds are search of meaning in search of profit. 

We sacrifice our quest for purpose in the pursuit of those paychecks, we give up our passion. We're completely rooted to our routines, we're plauged by indecision and lack of vision. They say that the most powerful prision is one, when you don't even know that you're locked up. See, the suits sre our uniforms, our cufflinks are the handcuffs, our ties are the chains our boss is like the guard and  the well, our cubicles are our cells. And now I know why they call it glass ceiling because ti shatters our dreams .

 We spend our whole day try to get our work on time, but then spend all our time thinking about work. We wish our out of office could be permanent, we wish that our inbox would always remain empty, our linkedin resumes are more interesting then our actual jobs, our profile pictures are the happiest we've been in all longtime.

We live for the weekend and we end up  feeling week. clockwork and monotony, but honestly, Could Mondays be more meaningful? Could Tuesdays be more less torture? Could Wednesday be more worth it? Could Thursdays be more transformative? Could Fridays more fulfilling? 

We countdown the next 50 weeks knowing that, there are another 50 years. We countdown for the next escape knowing that, there really isn't one. Because even when we're away from our desks, our minds are still there with the check list in our heads. We stuff ourselves in our work clothes, then buses, then cars, then trains and then our offices. Only to wait 5 days to live again. 

We don't have time to eat dinner together, see, we end up eating out of take away boxes, not realizing that the TV boxes take away from our relationships. We eat on the go, we meet on the go, we even sleep on the go and then wonder why everyone cheats on the go.

We're told it's normal to have 9 to 5. I mean, actually, sorry it's 9 o 9. It's fine if you don't get time with the person you love, that took you so long to find. It's normal to work late nights for that next holiday. We work 11 months in a row for 1 month of leave with pay. 

Hey, It's not normal, we have to reclaim our lives because right now we can all barely survive, and because when he comes late home from work she says, "You work so hard for a job that would replace you tomorrow if you dropped dead." And he says, " I don't have time for this right now." And she says, "Nothing ever changes." We force ourselves out of bed to live the same day again and again and call it a life.

Imagine for a moment, What if Oprah listened to her haters and doubters? What if Steve Jobs settled for a real job? What if the Rock never broke through the pressure? Imagine a world where everyone loved their passion, We'd be better people we'd be better partners, we'd be better parents. See, I've never seen a strong person with an easy past.

We all have a passion, we have a genius inside us, we have the potential. I know that we've all been in that position feeling confused and seriously lacking mission, but then i ask myself - at the end of my life, what will I regret? And the answer clear, the pain of regret far out weights the pain of risk. 
Just remember this, a winner is just a loser, who tried one more time. All you need is one person to say yes. One moment can change everything. There were decades were nothing happen and there were days were decades happen.

After 5 years from you regret, wish could start today. Stop joining other's someones brand when, you can become you own brand. Do what you are passionate about and be passionate about what you do.

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