The story of rejections and failures. Biography of Colonel Sanders

This is the story about a boy from Henryville Indiana in 1895, when he was 6 years old his father passed away. His mother has to start working in a Tomato cannery leaving him to cook and care for his siblings. 

Life hit him hard at a very young age and because of the difficult situations he faced he had to work as a farmhand at the age of ten. When he was in sixth grade, he dropped out of high school and left his home. He started working as a painter of horse carriage.

When he was 16, he faked his age to enlist in the US army. After being honorably discharged a year later, He started working as a Railway labourer and studied law at the nearby University untill he returned his legal career by getting into a fight. He forced to move back with his mom and get a job selling life insurances. After some time, he got fired for not following orders. 

Some years later he established a ferry boat company and it was an instant success. Later on he tried cashing  on his ferry boat business to create a chemical lamp manufacturing company. Only to find out that the another company was already selling electric lamps much better than his company's lamps. But this guy wouldn't give up. He moved to work as a sales man for a tire company, but again he lost his job when the company closed its manufacturing plant. 

By the age of 40 he met the general manager of an oil company who asked him to run a service station for him. But the station had to close down.

As a result of great depression, that same year that shell oil company offered him a service station, rent free in return for paying the company a percentage of sales. He started operating the service station and also began to serve Chicken Dishes and other simple meals for people who were stopping by at the station his pan Fried Chicken soon became a favourite with the people of the area and made him famous in the region. 

Few years later he took out the station and started to advertise his food. And to his shock an argument crupted of the blue with a local competitor and resulted in a fatal shootout with one of his employees dying. Four years later, he bought a motel next to his Chicken restaurant hoping for a better business . But it caught fire and burnt down to the ground together with his restaurant. 

Yet, this ambitious man rebuilt and ran a new motel with 140 seal restaurant until world war II forced him to close it down again. When war was ended, he tried selling his recipies to other restaurants.  His recipe was rejected 1,009 times when finally in 1952, he sold his secret receipe "Kentucky Fried Chicken" for the first time to the operator of one of the city's largest restaurants It quickly became a hit and as a result several restaurants owners franchised the concept and paid him$0.04 per Chicken. 

However, good times didn't last very long. His own restaurant was crippled when an interstate highway reduced customer traffic. He sold it and was left only with his savings and $105. An amount from a social security. 

Finally, he persued his dream to franchise his Chicken concept national wide and travelled the US loooking for a suitable restaurants . He opened a new restaurant and a company headquarters in 1959. He often slept in the back of his car. He visited restaurants offered to cook Chicken and if owners licked it then he nogotiated a franchise right. 

In 1965, at age of 75, he was just getting started! After years of rejection, failures and misfortunes colonel sanders franchise approach became highly successful. KFC was one of the first fast food chains to expand globally opening outlets  in Canada,UK,Mexico and Jamaica. 

By the mid-1960s. The Coloniel remainded the company's symbol after selling it .He travelled over 4,00,000 KM a year visiting KFC restaurants and diligently customers around the world. At that there were around 6,000 KFC locations in 48 different countries. In 2018, there were 22,621 KFC restaurants worldwide.

If you're overwhelmed by rejection or discouraged setbacks remember the story of colonel sanders. A sixth grade dropout fired form multiple jobs ruined his legal career setbacks by the great depression fire and world war 2 and yet he became the world's most famous cook after reaching retirement age. colonel sanders the creator of one of the largest fast food chains in the world, above all that despite of thousands of rejections and misfortunes how dedication along with hard work can create success regardless of age.


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