Phone ruin relationships

We are convincing ourselves that technology is helping. The reality is people don’t seem enough these days. We condense books into articles, into lists, into gifs because who has time to read an actual sentence anymore. We scroll and double tap our lives away wondering where the day goes. We are more anxious than any generation before as, yet we keep downloading another app hoping that it would fix us. We look to the latest trends, check the reviews on yelp, investigate the hashtags, yet in a world with so much information we’ve somehow still missing the wisdom of life. We care real connection, but we’d rather text about the conversations. We desire relationships but settle for following each other in on Instagram. We stare at the pretty on Instagram instead of the person standing right in front of you. We prefer filtered images to reality. We listen to new podcast over a person day. We check social media more than we check in with our friends. In our constant need for new information, new insights, new everything we lose the chance to make old memories. We like being busy, we wear it like a badge of honor. We can’t focus on what we want to become because we’re being pulled in 50 different directions. We can’t commit because there always seems to be another option, a better alternative. We have trust issues with the people we’ve known for years, yet we trust someone’s review that we just saw on Amazon. We want to hold hands while still holding unto our phones. We scroll through Instagram while having lunch with our friends. We think we can keep one foot out of the door while still falling for the person sitting in front of us. We always need the latest, the newest the most up to date and then wonder why relationships don’t last. We walk around stores on facetime and text during work because life without multitasking feels inefficient. We fill our schedules, we fill our days, we fill our phones thinking that will cure the emphasis that we feel inside us. We binge another serious of that. Latest Netflix show because someone else’s story draws out of the experience of our own. We complain that nothing feels real anymore nothing has depth, but we don’t allow things to deepen. We’re so quick to fill the silence or write someone off completely.
We complain nothing feels authentic today as we select a new filter in our selfies. We recharge our devices but not ourselves when we’re out of time we just add more to our schedules. We don’t know want to become because we’re distracted by who everyone else is becoming. How many times has I ever said to you I want your time? Whenever you hear this, know this truth. What I really want is your energy. Imagine if you gave someone an hour of your time but the whole time you were completely distracted on your phone versus if you gave someone 10 minutes your complete energy. I’m sure that any of us would select option 2, because what we’re really searching for is energy. What we are really searching for is attention. So, what we really need to do is give people our energy, not just time. Take a moment. Take reflect. Take a step back. Starve your distractions. Feed your focus. You can’t do the bid things if you’re always distracted by the small ones.

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